Maury High School Booster Association

Policies and Procedures

Adopted 02 October 2023


The purpose of the Maury High School Booster Association (“Association”) is to raise funds to help support the academic programs, clubs, teams, and other activities that contribute to making  Maury High School an excellent school. The Association also exists to promote and stimulate school spirit in Maury High School among its  students, parents, guardians, faculty, staff, and members of the community and encourage each entity to take an active interest in Maury High School.

More information on the governance of the Maury Booster Association can be found in the Bylaws.

Funds generated and managed by the Association are used to benefit Maury High School in the following ways: 

  • Grants: Through grants made for specific projects, supplies or items requested by faculty, staff members, coaches or sponsors of Maury High School organizations or teams.

  • Student Volunteers: Funds to support clubs, departments, organizations and teams whose student members volunteer for activities directed by the Maury Boosters Association. 

  • Other: Funds to support other miscellaneous activities to support school spirit (e.g., senior flowers, teacher appreciation, school beautification, senior graduation signs, etc.).


  • Executive Board -  The control and management of the Association and its affairs shall be entrusted to an Executive Board, consisting of a President, a Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, At-Large Members and Executive Committee.

  • Executive Committees include but are not limited to: Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs, Student and Teacher Liaison(s).  

  • Meetings of the Board 

    • Regular meetings shall be held once a month and at least nine (9) times in each fiscal year.  

    • Special meetings may be called by the President or any three (3) members of the Executive Board upon two (2) days' notice to each Board member of the time and place of the meeting. 

    • Quorum. Fifty (50) percent  of the Executive Board and Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

    • Order of Business shall include: a. Reading & Approval of past month’s minutes b. Treasurer’s Report c. Committee Reports d. New Business e. Items from the Floor

    • Voting. 

      • Any action that requires a vote, a motion must be raised by a member of the Executive Board or Executive Committee and seconded by another member of the Executive Board or Executive Committee followed by an affirmative vote by at least fifty (50) percent of the Association.

      • Voting can occur either in person or electronically.

  • Duties and Powers

    • Powers - It shall be the duty of the Board to carry out the object and purpose of the Boosters, subject to the Bylaws. They shall have the power to admit members and to suspend and expel members by ballot; to fill any vacancy that may occur in any office or in the membership of the Board until the next succeeding election; 

    • The Executive Board shall have the power to remove any member of the Board or any committee by an affirmative vote of two thirds of the members of the Board present at any Regular or special meeting thereof. 

    • Each Committee shall consist of a Chair and Co-Chair. As needs arise additional Committees may be established.


      • President – The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and Executive Board and shall have general supervision over the affairs of the Boosters. He or she shall be ex-officio a member of all committees. Will also maintain a good working relationship with the Maury administration.

      • Vice President(s) – In absence of the President, the Vice President(s) shall perform his or her duties. 

      • Secretary – The secretary shall be responsible for establishing a quorum at the beginning of each meeting and keeping an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Executive Board. He or she shall forward the minutes of the Executive Board to members of the Executive Board, and place the minutes on the Association website. In the absence of the recording secretary, the president shall appoint any other member of the Executive Board to take the minutes of said meeting. The secretary shall be responsible for  drafting the agenda, coordination of the meetings, follow-up notes with action items. All recorded material (e.g., agenda, meeting correspondence) shall be noted in the appropriate Association google drive folder

      • Treasurer - The treasurer shall perform all duties customary to the office of the treasurer, shall have the custody of and be responsible for all Association funds and securities, and shall keep full and accurate counts of receipts and disbursements of the Association. He or she shall render to the president and Executive Board at its meetings, or when the Executive Board so requires, an account of all his or her transactions as treasurer and of the financial conditions of the association. He or she shall ensure the existence of liability coverage for the Executive Board. He or she shall cause to be prepared and file any reports or returns required to be filed in connection with the Association’s tax-exempt status. At least once a month, the treasurer shall send notice to grant recipients that have failed to file required receipts in accordance with these Bylaws, and the Association’s Policies and Procedures.

All financial information should be accessible by another member of the Executive Board including the Association bank account. 

The treasurer’s accounts shall be examined annually by an auditing committee of not less than three members who, satisfied that the treasurer’s annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report. The audit committee shall be selected by the Executive Board at least two weeks prior to the end of the fiscal year (fiscal year begins the month of July prior to the new school year and ends in June of the following school year). There shall be three members of the audit committee, which shall not include the Maury Booster Association treasurer, but can include other members of the Executive Board who do not handle funds for the Association.

  • At-Large Members - Assist with duties as assigned by the President.


    • Grants Committee - will review grant requests submitted by faculty, staff members, coaches or sponsors of Maury High School organizations and teams and manage the communications to the grant requester(s). The Grants Chair will summarize and review the grant requests in a timely manner and call for votes among the Executive Board. If the grant is approved the Grants Chair will communicate the approval to the requester(s) on behalf of the Association. The Grants Chair shall send notice to grant recipients that have failed to file required receipts in accordance with these Bylaws, and the Association’s Policies and Procedures. If the total grant amount varies by more than ten (10) percent of the approved grant the grant request must be resubmitted for review and approval by vote by the Executive Board.

    • Marketing and Communications Committee - will identify opportunities for the Association to promote the Association fundraising and grant opportunities to faculty, staff members, coaches or sponsors of Maury High School organizations and teams, students, and parents. In addition, the Marketing and Communications Chair will define and manage a communications calendar based on the fundraising events established at the beginning of the school year and review the progress of the marketing activities and communications during Association meetings. The Marketing and Communications chair will also work collaboratively with the Executive Team to ensure all activities are within the defined budget for the fiscal year.  

    • Fundraising Committee - Oversee all annual fundraisers. Set goals. Work with committees to execute fundraisers.

    • Teacher Appreciation Committee - Responsible for various teacher appreciation events each school year which could include but not limited to Back to School Breakfast, Halloween treat, Holiday Luncheon, Valentines Day treat, Teacher Appreciation Week, and End of Year Teacher lunch. Works to recruit volunteers and execute functions throughout the school year. 

    • Grants Committee - Will work with The Grants Chair to support the review, management, and execution of grants submitted to the Association. These activities could include but are not limited to receiving grants, finalizing details, presenting final information to the Executive Board, and the communication of  decisions to Maury staff and grant requestor(s). 

    • Senior Flowers Committee - Works with Maury coaches and directors during the fall, winter and spring seasons to help honor Senior athletes on Senior Night. Coaches/Directors can complete a request form online, and this committee will facilitate getting bouquets of flowers.

    • School Representatives - The School Representatives will provide guidance to the Association on matters such as school involvement, teacher appreciation events, communications, and fund raising activities.

      • Teacher Liaison - Creates partnerships with Maury teachers to build awareness about the Association and to encourage participation.

      • Student Liaison - Creates partnerships with Maury students to help facilitate projects with the Board for the good of Maury High School.


Fundraising Goals

At the beginning of the new school year the Association Executive Board will establish the fund raising goals for the upcoming year. All fund raising activities shall have a monetary goal and objective measurements by which to evaluate the activity (e.g., target fundraising goal of $1000, in what time frame, what is the initial investment [if any], etc.). All fundraising activities must be presented to the Executive Board and Executive Committee and receive a majority vote before implementation. At the conclusion of the fundraiser the Committee Chair of the fundraiser shall present a summary of the activity to the Executive Board to determine effectiveness and feasibility of continuing the activity. 

 ARTICLE IV - Volunteers


Members of sanctioned extracurricular groups as defined by Maury High School (e.g., students, sponsors, coaches, teams, clubs, departments, and organizations) may volunteer for fundraising activities as approved by the Association following the grant submission process. Volunteers that complete its assignment shall receive the funds as agreed upon by the Boosters.


Section 1: Parties Entitled to Submit Grant

Each Maury High School teacher, staff member, coach or sponsor of an official organization or club or academic program affiliated with the high school shall be entitled to submit a grant request to the Association for a specified purpose benefiting the particular Maury academic program, club or team or Maury High School as a whole.

Section 2: Form of Grant Request

  1. All grant requests must be submitted to the Association on the grant request application posted at The grant request form must be fully completed, with all questions answered and all requested information provided, or the grant request shall be returned by the Grants Chair.

  2. Requests should include details about the specific need such as overall project description, supplies needed, how the funds will be used, and any other details that will support the need for the funding request.

  3. Grants shall be limited to items proposed to be acquired following approval by the Association, and the Association shall not assume the liability, nor approve the reimbursement of any person or group, for any items previously purchased or contracted for by the person or group prior to obtaining the Association approval, absent good cause shown.

  4. Funds granted may only be used for purposes stated in the written grant request and approved by the Executive Board.

  5. Requests must be authorized by the Maury High School administration.

  6. The grant applicant must certify on the grant request form that a request for funding was made to Norfolk Public Schools ("NPS"), and that this request to NPS was denied.

  7. Grant applicants will be notified with a determination of the grant by the Grant Chair within ten (10) days of the vote by the Executive Board and Executive Committee. 

Section 3: Award of Grant Request 

  1. The grant request will be discussed and acted upon by the Executive Board, which may vote by a majority present to approve, deny, approve with modifications, or delay vote to a later time.

  2. The Executive Board may vote to rescind its approval of a grant if the policies and procedures stated herein have not been met and the requesting person or group has not completed the purchase of the approved item(s) in a timely manner or otherwise complied with the spirit, intent or terms of the approval. If a grant is rescinded the full amount of the funds granted shall be returned to the Association.

  3. All items funded through an Association grant shall remain the property of Maury High School, not of an individual person or entity.

  4. Any funds remaining in the account of a club, team, etc. that disbands shall be returned to the Association.

  5. Funds granted may only be used for purposes stated in the written grant request and approved by the Executive Board.


Section 4: Factors to be considered in deciding to award grants

Factors to be considered by the Association in regard to grant requests include, but shall not be limited to the following:

  1. The compatibility of the requested item(s) with the mission, bylaws and policies of the Association.

  2. Number of students who will benefit from the purchase;

  3. How the purchase will help improve life at Maury High School;

  4. Whether other funding sources are available;

  5. Written documentation of cost, including comparison quotes regarding cost;

  6. The Association yearly budget and current financial condition;

  7. Participation by the particular group in the fundraising and other activities of the Association;

  8. The amount of any funds contributed by the particular group toward the total cost of the requested item(s); and

  9. The amount and frequency of previous requisitions from the particular group in relation to other groups.


Section 5: Grants which are not Favored

The Association will NOT provide grants for:

  1. Training or warm up suits, uniforms, or routine ongoing maintenance of athletic facilities. An exception to this general policy may be granted upon the showing of good cause or exceptional circumstances by the requesting group or person. Organizations needing help with these needs are encouraged to have students volunteer to help with other designated activities by the Association. Funds earned this way can be used for any purpose.

  2. Grant requests that do not certify that all other funding sources have been exhausted.

Section 6: Abuse of Grants

  1. If the Association is made aware of the misuse of grant funds (e.g., the funds were not used for the approved purpose) the group or individual who requested and received funds for the grant will not be able to submit another grant request for 12 months (effectively a 12 months suspension).