Date | time 2/3/2025 7:00 PM
Location: Trinity Presbyterian, 1600 Colonial Ave
In Attendance
☑Julie Malcolm ☐Christine Redel ☑Megan Kiefner ☑Sarah Wesley
☐Courtney Epps ☐Katherine Moore ☐Jennifer Moody ☐Elise Chard
☑Julie Walsh ☑Nicole Drummond ☐Steven Traylor ☐Rebecca Danchise
☑Erika Donohue ☑Brian Wynne ☑Ann Marie Wynne ☐Courtney Challoner
☑Bob Dwyer ☑Catherine LaVoy ☑Grant Miller ☐ Summer Brennan
☐Karen Anderson ☑Ann Bockheim ☐ Jack Howell ☑ Michelle Nottingham
☐Shawn Wilkerson ☐Nicole Barnes ☐ Cerise White ☐ Meghan Moorhouse
☐Jessica Dumm ☐Sarah McBride ☐Billy Chard ☐Carin Carr
☐Mylo Bowles ☑Kennedi Carpenter ☑Claire Giglio ☑Mia McBride
☑Kathleen Searing ☐Isabella Stone ☑Jack Wynne
Call to Order and Welcome
Meeting called to order by Julie Malcolm
Introductions – Jack Wynne
Approval of Jan 6th 2025 Minutes
Motion to approve minutes: Sarah Wesley
Second: Brian Wynne
All in favor: Ayes unanimous
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer: Sarah Wesley
Current Balance ~ $36,000
Audit is complete through Dec 2023
Committee Report – Fundraising – Brian and Ann Marie Wynne / Bob Dwyer / Elise Chard / Jennifer Moody
Trivia Night Debrief
See attached notes
Thank You notes to sponsors needed – 22 needed
Michelle Nottingham, Jack Wynne, Bob Dwyer, Nicole, Erika, Megan K
Wine Dinner Update
Codex and Wine Distributor
Sun Night March 30th 5:30 entrance, 6:00 pm sit down
4 course meal, wine paired with each course
Participants can also buy a bottle of wine if they like the tasting
Waiting on cost of food and wine
Seats 36 plus maybe a few more at the bar
Target $150/person; possibly couples pricing
Motion to move forward with wine night – Sarah Wesley, ayes unanimous
Committee to work on this event: Courtney, Rebecca, Ann B, Nicole, Anne Marie
Sell Merch at basketball game 2/12?
Nothing was sold at most recent basketball game
Decided not to sell at 2/12 game
Upcoming Week of Giving Campaign – Apr 28th - May 2nd
Need people willing to collaborate on this (corporate sponsors, ideas for marketing, video, pictures of previous grants; crafting e-mails, etc):
Bob, Brian, Courtney, possibly additional others
Last year $7K in corporate sponsorships and $9K in family donations
Bob raised idea of selling individual sponsor banners for football fence
Upcoming Senior Sign sale
Need a point person to head this up, post on social media and order signs – Possibly Courtney Challoner; Erika can pick up the signs at Colley Copy and pay with card
Painting Day at Maury (Idea from Catherine LaVoy) – possibly target the fall
Possibly include paintings of Maury / sell the paintings or make prints to sell
Invite artists to participate
Publicity – news coverage
New school – put the pictures up at the new school
Bob, Anne Marie
Committee Report – Teacher Appreciation – Christine Redel / Ann Bockheim/ Steven Traylor / Karen Anderson
Valentine’s Treats Update
Karen has purchased all supplies ($110) and all goody bags are assembled; delivery to school on Feb 13th
Plans for March, April, May
Suggestions for Teacher Appreciation events:
Coffee/Donuts for the teachers in conference room– Target March
May – Hardees Biscuits or Culinary can make cookies for Teacher Appreciation Week in May – we can provide the funds/coordinator plans with admin for that week since they also provide something daily for the teachers
Thank you notes for teachers written by students / organize with Ms Snelling
Committee Report – Commodore Care Committee/PTSA – Jack Howell, Summer, Michelle Nottingham
Update on Awards Assembly – freshman last week – had left over sodas that will use next week for Sophomores
Specific request for snacks from Rae Lewis, Counselor, fulfilled request
Update on Feminine Care Drive
NHS is organizing a drive, started this week
Coffee pod replenishment – students can help with replenishment
6 lounges / add a note from Boosters – students will make a small sign
Mia will help coordinate distribution; work with Mr. Grant Miller with any questions
Need another Guad’s restaurant night for budget?
Have $1543 in budget so probably don’t need another fundraiser
Committee Report – Senior Flowers – Megan Kiefner / Erika Donohue
2 more sports for winter
Committee Report – Grants – Julie Walsh / Courtney Epps / Nicole Drummond
Update on approved grants -
$100 for fidget toys was approved, spent $130
Grant approved by vote since last meeting:
Grant no: 2425-14
Wish List Items from Teachers submitted during Staff Holiday Luncheon
Amount Approved: $650 / Amount Spent: $683
Grant was approved with 15 people voting to spend the $650 on these items
New Grants (Detailed requests attached to agenda electronically)
Grant no: 2425-15
Requestor: Orion Hall/Girls and Boys Soccer
Amount of Grant: $500
Request: 5 Game Quality Wilson Vivido Soccer Balls/ Orange & Blue
Number of students benefited: 50
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Anne Marie Wynne
Second: Sarah Wesley
Ayes unanimous
Grant no: 2425-16
Requestor: Kimberly Porter/Social Studies
Amount of Grant: $182
Request: Curtain Rods, rings and curtains for classroom (check into flame retardant)
Number of students benefited: 100
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Sarah Wesley
Second: Brian Wynne
Ayes unanimous
Grant no: 2425-17
Requestor: Sylvia N'Golet/World Languages
Amount of Grant: $168.65
Request: Wireless Quiz Game Buzzer System
Number of students benefited: 100
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Sarah Wesley
Second: Michelle Nottingham
Ayes unanimous
Grant no: 2425-18
Requestor: Allison Copeland/CTE Culinary Arts
Amount of Grant: $300
Request: Walmart Gift Card for Food Supplies for culinary labs
Number of students benefited: 157
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Anne Marie Wynne
Second: Brian Wynne
Ayes unanimous
Grant no: 2425-19
Requestor: Molly McCarthy/Science Dept
Amount of Grant: $100
Request: 10 Infrared Thermometers
Number of students benefited: 90
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Sarah Wesley
Second: Anne Marie Wynne
Ayes unanimous
Grant no: 2425-20
Requestor: Tracy Newman/Science Department
Amount of Grant: $460.26
Request: Prepared Microscope Slides
Number of students benefited: 100+
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Anne Marie Wynne
Second: Michelle Nottingham
Ayes unanimous
Grant no: 2425-21
Requestor: Mary Beth Dixon/Science Department
Amount of Grant: $1400
Request: 10 TI 84Plus Graphing Calculators with Charging Station
Number of students benefited: 100+
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Sarah Wesley
Second: Anne Marie Wynne
Ayes unanimous
Grant no: 2425-22
Requestor: Kimberly Porter / Social Studies Dept
Amount of Grant: $2375
Request: Subscription to Quizzes for three months for entire Maury Student Body/All Teachers
Number of students benefited: 1700
Discussion: Need to do more research on the cost and how many teachers would use it. Possibly look into funding a certain number of teachers for a year. See if the company might be negotiable on pricing a subscription for the school for a year.
Items from the Floor
June – Mia is traveling to Ghana with Operation Smile – will provide a list of needed items
Donations for surgical program
Money to purchase sustainable period kits
Amazon wish list
Looking at current funds, what are areas we can increase funding to help the school: scholarships, additional teacher recognitions, big ticket items to purchase for school
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting adjourned
The next Maury Boosters Board Meeting will be:
Monday, March 3rd, 2025– 7 pm, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1600 Colonial Ave.
Minutes Submitted by Ann Bockheim
Trivia Night (Jan 24th 2025) Takeaways
Total Net for Event: $6988.25
Total paid to Smartmouth (Southern Bank sponsored): $1500
Total raised in 50/50 Raffle: $1535 / split = $770
Silent Auction total was $3114
We got 3 donations totaling $250
Tickets Sold = 152: 126 general + 18 teachers + 8 at door
Sarah had cash seed money envelopes for tickets, pizza and raffle.
Next year have ledger to write incoming $$
Set Up / Logistics:
Had 182 seats, with 3 open tables
There were 24 Teams
How many tables and chairs did we use?
About 21 circle tables (6 people each) and 7 small high-top round tables, plus picnic tables
Borrowed seven 6 ft. tables and 16 chairs from Chards. Maybe didn't use all of them. Unsure how many we borrowed from Warburtons? Malcolms brought two 6 ft. tables, one 4 ft. table, one card table. Redel brought table. Bob brought a table. Wynnes brought 2 tables (total tables brought in = 15 tables + Warburtons tables)
Next year put speakers somewhere that doesn't block the screen
We forgot to get the projector out.
Consider doing more packages (tickets, table, pizza) next year, maybe for middle tables where there's 6 chairs (i.e., keep hightops and picnic tables unreserved)?
Next year - Do one VIP table with special food, special t-shirts, etc
Only sold 8 tickets at door, which was great for flow (quicker)
Maybe 1 registration table vs 2 next year since door sales were so low? (Frees up more space elsewhere.)
Back corner tables were not used-- is kind of a tucked away space. If we put all logistics (registration, pizza, merch) there, we could probably add tables.
Next year set up registrations, merch and pizza in the corner to the right
Have the merch (t-shirts etc) accessible early for folks to see and buy
Hard to hear people who didn't speak loudly into the microphone
Win It Now questions between each round with Norfolk history questions
Worked great to open the doors at 6pm. Lots of people came early.
We had a 3 way tie for 3rd place. Gave it to the teacher table.
Noisemakers were fun.
Used Kitsch twinkling lights. Very long and effective.
Used Bob's large bulb strand of lights
Things we had to scramble for:
Paper for team names on tables (print in advance to look more polished?)
Team name paper holders (should have enough for next year now)
Have a student speak about how they've benefitted from Boosters projects? And/or teacher who recently got a grant (show we benefit all students not just coaches/athletes)? And have those speakers ask people to donate using QR codes? :)
Clean up - would be good to organize or have point people in charge of where everything goes
Have the bins on stage and as people bring things up during clean up, 1-2 people on stage take the items and organize them into the bins.
Organize the bins for next time
Pizza/Non-alcoholic drinks
Ordered 20 pizzas + they gave us 3 free so had total of 23 pizzas - 15 pepperoni, 5 cheese + 3 not sure of which kind. They cut in 8 slices each. Had 3 full pizzas leftover.
Paid $429 to Granby Pizza
We paid $18.65 per pizza but only charged $16/pizza, so we didn't make any money on the pizza.
Harris Teeter next year?
Need gloves for handling pizza slices
Lots of the drinks we bought were left over.
Next year either buy less or put water out on the tables or situate the coolers around the room where people can grab them more easily
Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle:
Had 2 teams of 2 people walking around to sell 50/50 raffle tickets
50/50 Raffle Total: $1535 / Split was $770
Silent Auction total was $3114
35 baskets. maybe too many?
Have less baskets but maybe have more baskets of higher value; target corporate sponsors
Need more light in the corner with silent auction baskets. Smartmouth has extension cords.
We ended the silent auction after the 4th round. Then took a long time to tabulate winners and pay.
Next time, end Silent Auction earlier (after third round) and rework check out. Maybe come to the right side of the stage once their name is called to check out, they pay and are handed their auction sheet with PAID across the top as a receipt, then bring the sheet to us to hand them their basket.
Use small 5x7 size clipboards next year for auction sheets b/c takes up less room on the table.
General feedback from Boosters and public:
Lots of raving reviews, no negative feedback was received
Table layout was better than the first year, and that things flowed and ran more smoothly overall
Liked the idea of purchasing a table in advance
One participant relayed that she'd talked with a Granby parent who attended and who kept raving about the event-- that it was "not just for Maury families but a community event that benefitted Maury", how it was a full house but didn't feel too crowded and was "loud and fun but then everyone quieted down for the questions", how he liked that there were 15 minutes in between rounds to socialize, grab a drink, etc.