Date | time 12/2/2024 7:00 PM
Location: Trinity Presbyterian, 1600 Colonial Ave
In Attendance
☑Julie Malcolm ☑Christine Redel ☑Megan Kiefner ☑Sarah Wesley
☑Courtney Epps ☐Katherine Moore ☐Jennifer Moody ☑Elise Chard
☑Julie Walsh ☑Nicole Drummond ☐Steven Traylor ☐Rebecca Danchise
☐Erika Donohue ☑Brian Wynne ☑Ann Marie Wynne ☐Courtney Challoner
☑Bob Dwyer ☐Catherine LaVoy ☐Melanie Sewell ☐ Summer Brennan
☑Karen Anderson ☑Ann Bockheim ☑ Jack Howell ☐ Michelle Nottingham
☐Shawn Wilkerson ☐Nicole Barnes ☐ Sarah McBride ☑ Cerise White
☐Jessica Dumm ☐James Barnes ☐Billy Chard ☑Grant Miller
☑Mylo Bowles ☐Kennedi Carpenter ☐Claire Giglio ☑Mia McBride
☐Kathleen Searing ☑Isabella Stone ☑Carin Carr ☑Megan Moorhouse
Call to Order and Welcome
Meeting called to order by Julie Malcolm
Approval of Nov 4th, 2024 Minutes
Motion to approve minutes: Megan Kiefner
Second: Christine Redel
All in favor: Ayes unanimous
Special Guest Speaker
Special Guest - Jenn Pfitzner - Accountant for Maury Boosters and Board Member on Maury Foundation
Accountant for Maury Boosters for 15 Years
Tax returns only need to be filed if >$50K in treasury
Will help with monthly reports starting Jan 2025
Board Member of Maury Foundation
Initially the foundation began with the goal of raising money for scholarships
Treasury has $1 million after years of fundraising
Provide scholarships to Maury students– now run by Hampton Roads Community Foundation
Funded $36,500 solely to Maury students last year
Due March 1st, need to file FAFSA, typically need-based
Foundation can help support needs of school, can help with projects for school
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer: Sarah Wesley
Current Balance $31,427.05
Account reconciliation – target date Dec. 9, 2024
Tax Document has been filed for September-Year-End 2024 (Due by February)
Expect monthly reports starting in January 2025
Committee Report – Grants – Julie Walsh / Courtney Epps / Nicole Drummond
Update on approved grants –
Soccer camera subscription is being finalized – Nov ‘24 to Nov ‘25
Field Hockey will also use it
Will make it accessible to any outdoor sport
Microwave ordered, should be up and running soon
New grant:
Grant no: 2425-12
Requestor: Phillip Lane/Shaquone Blue Maury Marching Band
Amount of Grant: $1157
Request: One Sextet Drum Kit
Number of students benefited: 45
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Christine Redel
Second: Courtney Epps
Ayes unanimous
Band has a great need for new equipment; Maury is slated to get new band equipment in 2027 (Booker T was the first school to get new equipment)
Bob Dwyer and Courtney Epps requested full wish list of $18K to possibly find funding; Julie Walsh to provide full list
Committee Report – Teacher Appreciation – Christine Redel / Ann Bockheim/ Steven Traylor / Karen Anderson
Update on Holiday Lunch (Wed, 12/18)
Volunteers Needed: 8 am set-up and throughout the event until 1 pm:
Ann, Christine and Karen
Nicole, Elise, Sarah, Cerise, Jack, Julie, Megan, Courtney, Bob, Carin
Sign Up Genius - Serving, Food and Raffle Prize Sign up, Amazon Wish List
Chik Fil A Pick-up (Steven Traylor)
Student Liaisons to possibly help with raffle items unloading and set up
Flyer - Rebecca Danchise
Need coolers to keep hot food hot – Carin
Santa Wish List Tree – Isabella will create and organize installation
Need check to present to Teacher of the Year (Ms Ebonie Campbell) – Sarah will have a check available
Lunch times:
First Lunch 10:55-11:25
Second Lunch 11:30- 12:00
Third Lunch 12:05 – 12:35
Debrief on Happy Hour at Cogan's
Spent $450 (take out containers put us over budget)
Update on Norfolk Admirals tickets for Feb/Mar – Bob
Director of Sales told Bob to pick a date, will look at basketball schedule to avoid conflict. Possibly have band or choir come to sing National Anthem. Aim for Feb/Mar. Possibly schedule on a Sunday when there are lots of
Football night follow up:
Lunch Update – email Cathy LaVoy for a date
Total spent on event $250 (hot cocoa and photo booth) plus $75for lunch (cost lowered due to using donated gift cards)
Committee Report – Fundraising – Brian and Ann Marie Wynne / Bob Dwyer / Elise Chard / Jennifer Moody
Fruit Sale – 118 boxes sold (156 last year) Need help with unloading & distribution, adult & student volunteers
Pick Up Date – Week of Dec 9th, needs to be from 3pm to 6 pm due to buses in lane by ROTC room
Unloading of truck requires volunteers – students and adults
Location: ROTC room
Date will be communicated to those who purchased fruit
Volunteers: Carin, Anne Marie
Trivia Night Update - Friday, 1/24 Smartmouth, doors open at 6, trivia starts at 7
Need help with gathering items for silent auction baskets
Bob and Courtney will help collect items for baskets
E-mail Bob and Courtney if you have items, they can also pick up
Sarah will donate bottle of whiskey
Elise – concert tickets
Bob – restaurant gift cards, golf
Carin – restaurant gift card
Isabella – will facilitate student art items
Basket Assembly at Anne Marie’s house– Julie W, Carin, Ann B, Courtney, Karen A
Look into renting chairs
Need to sell Merch at home basketball games - Home games –
Nicole and Cerise will sell at JV Basketball Game
Sell seats at Swimming
“Giving Tuesday” – Christine will make a post
Wine Night idea – Codex is willing to do it, need a date, late winter, early spring
Bob Dwyer, Sarah Wesley, Julie Walsh, Ann Bockheim
Committee Report – Commodore Care Committee/PTSA – Jack Howell, Summer, Michelle Nottingham
Update on Thanksgiving offerings – improvements for next year
Better alignment on distribution with counselors in advance
Gave out 12-15 including grocery gift cards
National Honor Society made baskets, Culinary Dept made baskets, unsure who to give them to
Needed transportation for ForKids pick up of baskets
Next year –
in September request gift cards from grocery stores
in early October – work with counselors to identify families in need
Ask Ms Berg how many grocery gift cards were distributed (follow up after holidays)
Great success for the family displaced by house fire, many items donated and purchased from Amazon; family very grateful for the donations
Planning a “rapid response team” e-mail for Boosters to opt in if they would like to assist with needs rather than e-mailing entire mailing list
Jack to attend 12/3 Staff Meeting
Encourage teachers to identify families who have a need
Inform counselors
Seek new ideas for what the closet needs
Honor Roll Assemblies - 9th grade - 1/31; 10th grade - 2/7; 11th grade 4/11; 12th grade 5/12
Very large need for feminine products – both at home and at school
Update on NHS drive for Feminine Products
Ms Snelling is on board for a drive
Aunt Flow – partners with schools to provide feminine supplies
Megan Moorhouse to contact
Other supplies needed, list provided by Summer – use the money from the Guad’s fundraiser
25 Baskets that can be given for holidays to Maury families, provided by First Presbyterian Church – Rebecca Danchise is contact person at First Pres, Jack Howell will follow up
Committee Report – Senior Flowers – Megan Kiefner / Erika Donohue
Tommy Staples – next Thu is the fall sports awards night –
Dec 12th 7:00 pm
Items from the Floor
Discussion of meeting location
If anyone has other locations that they can suggest please feel free to suggest
Current location is quiet and also free
If anyone is not comfortable meeting in this location please e-mail Julie Malcolm
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting adjourned
The next Maury Boosters Board Meeting will be:
Monday, Jan 6th, 2025– 7 pm, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1600 Colonial Ave.
Minutes Submitted by Ann Bockheim