Date | time 11/4/2024 7:00 PM
Location: Trinity Presbyterian, 1600 Colonial Ave
In Attendance
☑Julie Malcolm ☑Christine Redel ☑Megan Kiefner ☐Sarah Wesley
☐Courtney Epps ☐Katherine Moore ☐Jennifer Moody ☑Elise Chard
☑Julie Walsh ☑Nicole Drummond ☐Steven Traylor ☐Rebecca Danchise
☐Erika Donohue ☐Brian Wynne ☐Ann Marie Wynne ☑Courtney Challoner
☐Bob Dwyer ☐Catherine LaVoy ☐Melanie Sewell ☐ Summer Brennan
☐Karen Anderson ☑Ann Bockheim ☐ Jack Howell ☑ Michelle Nottingham
☐Shawn Wilkerson ☐Nicole Barnes ☐ Sarah McBride ☐ Cerise White
☐Jessica Dumm ☐James Barnes ☐Billy Chard ☐Grant Miller
☐Mylo Bowles ☑Kennedi Carpenter ☐Claire Giglio ☐Mia McBride
☑Kathleen Searing ☑Isabella Stone ☐Carin Carr ☑Megan Moorhouse
Call to Order and Welcome
Meeting called to order by Julie Malcolm
Approval of Oct 7th, 2024 Minutes
Motion to approve minutes: Elise Chard
Second: Courtney Challoner
All in favor: Ayes unanimous
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer: Sarah Wesley
Current Balance $34,354.72
Julie and Sarah met with accountant who has been doing Maury Boosters taxes for 15 years
Also serves as treasurer for Maury Foundation – will speak at our next meeting
Received 2 checks from Maury Foundation for $2000 each, one for the past fiscal year and one for the current fiscal year
Will get everything cleaned up by Dec and start printing reports monthly
Plan to provide an update on merchandise sales at Dec meeting
Committee Report – Grants – Julie Walsh / Courtney Epps / Nicole Drummond
Update on approved grants – Soccer subscription is still being worked out
No new grants but had a Grant Committee open meeting for staff and a lot of interest so expect some next month
Chorus teacher (Mr Brown) asked for risers – Grant Committee to reach out to him to assist with grant application
Additional information on previous grant:
Grant no: 2425-10
Requestor: Allison Copeland/CTE
Amount of Grant: $295
Request: One Commercial Grade microwave oven for students to use in the lunchroom
Number of students benefited: 500+
Further discussion with Administration – Ms Berg is supportive; would like to start with 1. Will put on cart and will be rolled out at lunches. When in use, will be in line of sight of administrative staff
Instructions will be posted and cleaning supplies will be available as well.
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve purchase of 2 microwaves, will purchase one now and hold money for second: Julie Malcolm
Second: Elise Chard
Ayes unanimous
Committee Report – Teacher Appreciation – Christine Redel / Ann Bockheim/ Steven Traylor / Karen Anderson
Booster Night at the Football Game Success!
History Dept won (12/15 teachers came) Update on lunch plans – Elise has gift card for 10 sandwiches from Jersey Mikes, Nicole will purchase the rest as well as chips and drinks / post pictures of winning dept lunch
42 Teachers checked in during the game at our table
Raffle winner each quarter, photo booth, pom-poms given away
Amount spent for event - $200 + lunch for history dept
Turn in receipts for reimbursement – Nicole to e-mail receipts to Sarah
Many requests for Alumni Hoodies and Hoodies in general while we were selling our merch
Halloween Treats for teachers and staff- Total spent $175 (supplies and candy) Thank you to student liaisons for making the bags! Delivered to school on Oct 30th for distribution Oct 31st
Maury Teacher of the Year – Ms. Ebonie Campbell (AP Computer Science and class sponsor)– Boosters gift - $500 given the past 2 years
Motion to provide gift of $500: Megan Kiefner
Second: Christine Redel
Plan to give during the Holiday Lunch
Happy Hour at Cogan’s – Nov 22nd (date approved by admin), 2:15 to 4:30, budget ~$300
Still attempting to confirm with the general manager at Cogan’s, multiple messages left for her, awaiting a call back
Need flyer – Kathleen Searing agreed to make flyer, Ann will reach out to her once date is confirmed
Nicole will help Ann at the event
Holiday Lunch – Confirm date with Ms. Berg (Dec 11 or 18)
Christine – will apply for $200 grant from Wegman’s
Christmas tree wish list for teachers during event (similar to last year)
Will plan for Amazon wish list with basic items for raffle (tissues, cleaning supplies, snacks for classrooms)
Christine will create the sign-up genius after the date is confirmed with admin
Update on Budget for this Committee so far this year:
Spent ~$1300 (includes Teacher of Year gift)
Budgeted for this school year $6000
Committee Report – Fundraising – Brian and Ann Marie Wynne / Bob Dwyer / Elise Chard / Jennifer Moody
GUAD's Night recap – (Billy Chard)- Raised $540; They offered to do it again in the spring
Fruit Sale – Need help distributing flyers around Ghent, businesses, Civic Leagues, election day sites? Jennifer, Carin, Katherine
Julie printed 1000 flyers via school
Kennedi will ask NHS and Med program leaders to assist with assigning distribution
Students and various other Boosters will distribute 1000 flyers on walking routes, coffee shops, post on Nextdoor, Civic Leagues, Maury Foundation, Alumni Groups, Ghent Business Association
Trivia Night – sad to cancel. Very busy time for students (Halloween, Homecoming, College Application deadlines, etc)
Baker's Crust Night – Will postpone until December due to Class of 2028 Fundraiser Uno Pizza on 11/15
Sell merchandise at 11/8 football game vs Granby?
Discussion and decision not to sell at this game
Seats sold – 37 (out of 100), so far this is one season of sports, still have winter and spring sports (Basketball, soccer, etc)
Committee Report – Commodore Care Committee/PTSA – Jack Howell, Summer, Michelle Nottingham
Update on Closet
Closet is looking good, things are being used (most used: feminine care, clothes, soap)
Still have plenty of supplies but may need more in spring
Update on money spent this month – none this month
Summary of things in the works for the holidays:
Thanksgiving cards to families – gift card donation requests have been sent out to Wegmans, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, Fresh Market
Gave to guidance counselors last year
Accountant provided info– ForKids has Thanksgiving Baskets, look into connecting with ForKids
Lions Club – Sat Dec 14th – Drive Through Pick up of Hot Meals plus gift cards to grocery store and Dollar General; have room for 20 Maury Families. Family has to call and RSVP with the number in the family. Make individualized baskets.
Include counselors and Price and Revell
Toy and Gift Drive – ForKids.
ForKids would like to help homeless families.
Jack would like to attend the next staff meeting.
Ms A Thomas is the admin for the counselors, connect with her.
Michelle Nottingham will be the point person to disseminate the info above to the Care Committee
December Honor Roll Assemblies
Cookies and sodas have been provided in the past
Committee Report – Senior Flowers – Megan Kiefner / Erika Donohue
Friday is football and cheerleading Senior Night
Fresh Market has been doing a good job
Items from the Floor
Kennedi – idea of food drive in collaboration with clubs (NHS, Op Smile), can donate to families or food bank
Once we get feedback from Care Committee we can discuss how to proceed
Meeting with Ms Berg in the next few weeks – who is interested in attending?
Nicole, Julie Walsh, Christine
Important Dates
Nov 8 - Maury vs Granby Football Game
Nov 22 – Teacher Happy Hour at Cogan’s
Nov 24 – Fruit Sale Deadline
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting adjourned
The next Maury Boosters Board Meeting will be:
Monday, Dec 2nd, 2024 – 7 pm, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1600 Colonial Ave.
Minutes Submitted by Ann Bockheim