Date | time 6/10/2024 6:00 PM
Location: Malcolm Household
In Attendance
☑Julie Malcolm ☐Christine Redel ☑Megan Kiefner ☑Sarah Wesley
☑Courtney Epps ☐Katherine Moore ☐Jennifer Moody ☐Elise Chard
☑Julie Walsh ☐Nicole Drummond ☐Steven Traylor ☐Rebecca Danchise
☑Erika Donohue ☐Brian Wynne ☐Ann Marie Wynne ☐Courtney Challoner
☑Bob Dwyer ☐Catherine LaVoy ☐Melanie Sewell ☑ Maureen Traylor
☑Karen Anderson ☑Ann Bockheim
Call to Order and Welcome
Meeting called to order by Julie Malcolm
Approval of May 20th, 2024 Minutes
Motion to approve: Bob Dwyer
Second: Julie Walsh
All in favor: Ayes unanimous
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer: Sarah Wesley
Year-end review:
Current Balance $ 35,000
Senior flowers $1474.88 (budgeted $1500)
Teacher appreciation $4200 (budgeted $5000)
Grants $20,000
T-shirt $1226
Trivia $3537
Signs $1132
Fruit Sale $652 (after clubs paid out)
Week of Giving $16,665 (a few outstanding checks, closer to $20K if all money comes in)
Filing Taxes – Due in November
Finance Audit Team to meet prior to Aug 5th Meeting (Julie Malcolm, Katherine Moore, Courtney Epps)
Committee Report – Grants – Julie Walsh
Year end review:
Number of grants filled: 31
Total grant spending: $19,332.93
44.6% Sports Team (includes dryer $5000)
28.0% Maury Academic Depts
9.6% Club/Activity
8.8% Sports Club
7.3% Administration
1.7% Other Support Org
Original budget: $10,000
15 more grants funded this school year than last school year
For comparison, 2022-2023 grants filled = 16 / $10,057.28 spent
No pending action items for approved grants
Dryer for Athletic Dept ordered, ETA mid-June -> Sarah will follow up; Tommy is the main contact, Sarah will be the back up contact
Other Business
Summer TO DO list:
Brainstorm new t-shirt design
I “heart” Maury is a popular choice
Each committee should make an outline for what you want to do for the 2024-2025 school year. What can you do to improve or change next year?
Review survey results and calendar to create your plan
Present plan at the July meeting.
Rebecca Danchise, Christine Redel, Courtney Challoner
Julie Walsh, Courtney Epps, Nicole Drummond
Teacher Appreciation:
Ann Bockheim, Christine Redel, Steven Traylor
Senior Flowers:
Megan Kiefner, Erika Donohue
Elise Chard (Fall fundraising), Bob Dwyer, Jennifer Moody (Fruit Sale), possibly a few additional members in the works
Teacher survey results discussion/brainstorming
Wawa will donate pretzels, coffee with 2 weeks advance notice
7-11 donated hats, candy
Social ideas
Admirals (Bob) or Tides (Courtney)
Football tailgate or section in stands at game
Possibly consider forming a “Social Committee” to organize more teacher events -> is anyone interested in heading this up?
Organize more parent donation drives - Use calendar to focus donation drives – 3 drives in fall and 3 drives in spring – tissues, snacks, nurse supplies etc
Website – button for parents to submit questions, good way for us to see what questions parents have.
Need more info on Maury website for new parents, will communicate this to adminstration
Subcommittee to amend Boosters Bylaws / Policies and Procedures needs to meet over summer (Julie Malcolm, Ann Bockheim, Bob Dwyer, Courtney Epps, Sarah Wesley, Sarah McBride)
Back to School Breakfast planning & raffle
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting adjourned
The next Maury Boosters Board Meetings will be:
Monday July 15th, 7:00 pm, Trinity Presbyterian Church
Monday Aug 5th, 7:00 pm, Trinity Presbyterian Church
Minutes Submitted by Ann Bockheim