Date | time 1/6/2025 7:00 PM
Location: Trinity Presbyterian, 1600 Colonial Ave
In Attendance
☑Julie Malcolm ☑Christine Redel ☑Megan Kiefner ☑Sarah Wesley
☑Courtney Epps ☐Katherine Moore ☐Jennifer Moody ☐Elise Chard
☑Julie Walsh ☐Nicole Drummond ☐Steven Traylor ☐Rebecca Danchise
☑Erika Donohue ☑Brian Wynne ☑Ann Marie Wynne ☐Courtney Challoner
☑Bob Dwyer ☐Catherine LaVoy ☑Grant Miller ☑ Summer Brennan
☑Karen Anderson ☑Ann Bockheim ☐ Jack Howell ☑ Michelle Nottingham
☐Shawn Wilkerson ☑Nicole Barnes ☐ Cerise White ☑ Meghan Moorhouse
☐Jessica Dumm ☐Sarah McBride ☐Billy Chard ☑Carin Carr
☐Mylo Bowles ☐Kennedi Carpenter ☐Claire Giglio ☐Mia McBride
☐Kathleen Searing ☐Isabella Stone
Call to Order and Welcome
Meeting called to order by Julie Malcolm
Approval of Dec 2nd, 2024 Minutes
Motion to approve minutes: Julie Walsh
Second: Bob Dwyer
All in favor: Ayes unanimous
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer: Sarah Wesley
Current Balance ~$30,000
Committee Report – Fundraising – Brian and Ann Marie Wynne / Bob Dwyer / Elise Chard / Jennifer Moody
Fruit Sale Debrief
$666 cash/checks + $100 (not paid)
$162 CashApp + $19 (sold leftover cheesecake)
$724.50 check from Pee-Jay's
Total Profit: $1671.50
Student Volunteers: bad weather; truck was 2 hours behind, ROTC kids and med students unloaded truck (about 10 students); med students also loaded cars with fruit day of pick-up (only 3-4 students needed)
Communication – needs to be to everybody, all communication now is only through one person; more Boosters need to be in the loop
New pick up location – convenient to have freezers for cheesecake
Giving Tuesday Debrief
Received $450 in donations (plus $500 more expected from a donation and company match; not yet received)
Thank you notes – Megan Moorehouse will write them
Trivia Night Planning - Friday, 1/24. Doors open 6pm. Trivia starts 7pm. Mr. Wright hosting. Need help spreading the word, donations for baskets and making silent auction baskets
Wine Night – Bob
Meet with Codex and Wine Distributor and pick date
Help: Ann, Sarah W
Sell Merch at basketball games - What days can people sell in Jan/Feb?
Set up at 5 pm, girls games 5:30, boys at 7 pm
1/17 vs Norcom – Carin, Christine, Michelle, Sarah W
2/12 vs Manor – Megan Moorhouse (prefers later shift), Erika (can get there at 6), Megan Kiefner
Committee Report – Teacher Appreciation – Christine Redel / Ann Bockheim/ Steven Traylor / Karen Anderson
Holiday Lunch Debrief – See attached
Santa Wish List Tree
Lots of school supplies are on list – teachers can likely get these from their dept head
Julie Walsh will follow up on items that need to be requested through grants
Football Night – total spent $360
Norfolk Admirals – offer was for 50% off ticket price, had to nix the idea
Erika will look into basketball tickets
Budget Update for this school year: $2255 spent (includes Teacher of Year check); budgeted for $6000
Upcoming Plans: Valentine’s Treats (Feb) Karen Anderson taking the lead on organizing– would students like to help again?
Committee Report – Commodore Care Committee/PTSA – Jack Howell, Summer, Michelle Nottingham
Update – closet is getting used; not running low on anything; will need to restock in the spring
Need shoes for students- new or gently used (sneakers, slides, crocs)
Bob will follow up on possible shoe sources
Budget discussion – we raised $540 at Guad’s – use this for the PTSA budget
PTSA has discussed creating a list of people who they reach out to for donations when there is a need. Create a google sign up form and post on Maury Boosters Buzz. Include the purpose of this list in the description.
Upcoming Honor Roll Assemblies - 9th grade - 1/31 and 10th grade - 2/7
Typically spent $150-$200 on each assembly last year
Volunteers to set up:
1/31 12:30: Sarah Wesley, Karen Anderson
2/7 12:30: Sarah McBride, Summer
Update Feminine Care Drive – there are still supplies in closet
Megan Moorehouse- working on sourcing donations
Coffee pod replenishment – one teacher asked for more pods on holiday wish list; find out what is needed before buying
Committee Report – Grants – Julie Walsh / Courtney Epps / Nicole Drummond
New grant:
Grant no: 2425-13
Requestor: Raven Ravell / Graduation Coach
Amount of Grant: $100
Request: Assorted Fidget Toys for Incentives/Concentration Aides
Number of students benefited: 20-30
Vote on approval:
Motion to approve: Sarah Wesley
Second: Erika Donohue
Ayes unanimous
Committee Report – Senior Flowers – Megan Kiefner / Erika Donohue
No requests yet for winter sports
Planning Ahead
Looking forward to 2025:
January - Trivia Night, 9th grade Honor Roll Assembly
February - Valentine's Treats for teachers, 10th grade Honor Roll Assembly, Begin planning Week of Giving
March - Spring Survey to teachers
April - Week of Giving Fundraising, Senior Yard Sign Sale, Happy Hour for teachers?, Wine Night?, 11th Grade Honor Roll Assembly
May - Teacher Appreciation Week, AP & SOL Exams, Senior Night Awards
June - End of Year Booster party!
Meeting Adjournment
Meeting adjourned
The next Maury Boosters Board Meeting will be:
Monday, Feb 3rd, 2025– 7 pm, Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1600 Colonial Ave.
Minutes Submitted by Ann Bockheim
Holiday Lunch Dec 18 2024 Takeaways for Next Year
Volunteer Tasks / Approx time frames:
7:30 - Gather supplies from Boosters closet, set out drop-off signs
8:30 - Set up/Decorate Room (ROTC staff will set up tables)
8:30- 10:00 - Door runners (receive food at exterior door and pass to food table)
8:30-10:30 – Set up Food and Dessert Tables
9:30 - Set up Raffle Table
10:00 - Fetch food from Chik-Fil-A
10:45-12:00 - Serve Food / Raffles
12-1:00 – Clean Up
Food Notes:
We had a low response on Sign-Up Genius for food sign-up: did not have enough people sign up for cold salads, rolls, hot dishes, desserts
Ran out of pasta salad/potato salad, rolls, waters, desserts (bought more dessert at Harris Teeter)
Had a lot of hot food left over - on Sign Up Genius, possibly ask to specify how many their dish will feed.
Ran out of water (had 3 cases; last year same quantity and had leftover water)
Had 5 nugget trays and 2 tenders trays. Next year ask for 6 tenders trays (had tenders on sign up but nuggets were ordered by some)
Keep better track of what is left in coolers; had more tenders in cooler
Have more specific descriptors of what people are bringing
Needed Vegan options (instead of vegetarian) – quite a few staff had only raw veggies and fruit due to being vegan. Possibly buy a few hot vegan dishes next year.
Bring large tub of spreadable butter (not on sign up genius so Boosters provide)
Raffle Notes:
Attendance - 1st lunch 77, 2nd - 47, 3rd - 22 - based on raffle tickets filled out
Next year, allot more raffle prizes to 1st lunch (had a lot of leftover prizes at 3rd lunch)
Gift Cards, Wagons and Wine were a hit
Popular Snacks: Goldfish, Cheez-Its, Fuit Snacks
Not popular Snacks: Granola Bars, Nutrigrain Bars
Cleaning Supplies (Swiffers and Clorox Wipes) were popular
Too many tissues this year (we re-packaged them in sets of 4 boxes) – would recommend the Amazon wish list item is a smaller bundle of tissues so each teacher gets 6-8 boxes and we don’t have to re-package them.
Misc Take Away Notes:
Attendance – 1st lunch 77, 2nd – 47, 3rd – 22 – based on raffle tickets filled out
Asked ROTC staff for 10 more chairs b/c they had it set up only 8 chairs at 4 tables. Not enough seats.
Presented Teacher of the Year with check for $500
Consider dressing more festively/match the theme of spirit week
Serving times on the Sign Up Genius need to be changed. 10-11:30 was shift 1 for serving and first lunch started at 1055. Or change slot name to: Serving/Set-up Help.
White tablecloths and serving utensils/platters– take home to wash and return to Boosters Closet
Costco: $340 - 6 bottles of wine, 3 mac n cheeses, 1 veggie tray with hummus, paper plates, 4 goldfish boxes, 2 SkinnyPop Popcorn boxes, 6 tissue boxes, 3 kale salad mixes, and 1 huge bag of dinner rolls.
Dollar Tree: $67 – plastic tablecloths, Christmas tissue paper, gift card boxes, etc
Prep Notes:
Create flyer and ask Ms Berg and Ms Dunn to send to staff in advance
Confirm via e-mail with Ms Dunn and Sam Baker a few days ahead of time
Request large Maury flags be put out where drop off area is
Confirm carts will be available
Confirm arrival time 7:30 am to access Booster storage closet
Ms Dunn will arrange with ROTC staff to be available to help with set-up of room (See Teacher Appreciation Binder for room set up diagram and photos)