Date | time 5/20/2024 6:00 PM
Location: Smartmouth, 1309 Raleigh Ave
In Attendance
☑Julie Malcolm ☑Brian Wynne ☑Christine Redel ☑Sarah Wesley
☑Courtney Epps ☑Katherine Moore ☐Melanie Sewell ☐Jennifer Moody
☑Julie Walsh ☑Aimee Umidi ☑Monica Lynch ☑Steven Traylor
☐Rebecca Danchise ☐Karla Hakansson ☑Megan Kiefner ☑Erika Donohue
☐Jenn Burke ☐Catherine LaVoy ☑Samantha Wegener ☐Juliemarie Vanderburg
☑Ann Bockheim ☐Anne Marie Wynne ☑Bob Dwyer ☐Shawn Wilkerson
New Attendees: Jack Howell, Michelle Nottingham, Jessica Dumm, Courtney and Chris Challoner, Karen Anderson, Elisa and Billy Chard, Nicole Drummond, Cerice White
Special Meeting 5:30 pm – Discussion of PTA and Boosters Merger
Lots of areas of overlap, both groups do fundraising and some overlap in what we support
PTA: Housing help, clothing help, food help, teacher appreciation (coffee makers, k-cups, ice cream truck), awards assembly cookies and waters
One idea raised is a Memorandum of Understanding between the two groups
Another idea is to have the PTA become a committee within Boosters, “Care Committee”- can assist students with needs
Discuss how to maintain PTA dues and PTA board
For Kids can provide clothing, food, shelter
Julie will meet with Ms Berg in June to discuss further
Will need to amend Boosters Bylaws and Policies and Procedures
Julie Malcolm
Sarah McBride
Ann Bockheim
Bob Dwyer
Courtney Epps
Sarah Wesley
Call to Order and Welcome – 6:00 pm
Meeting called to order by Julie Malcolm
Approval of Apr 8th, 2024 Minutes
Motion to approve: Megan Kiefner
Second: Courtney Epps
All in favor: Ayes unanimous
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer: Sarah Wesley
Current Balance $ 38034.17
Total raised from Week of Giving $16, 422. 32
Total maintenance fees $450.00
Per bylaws, need audit of finances this summer (early July): 3 volunteers
Julie Malcolm
Katherine Moore
Courtney Epps
Committee Report – Grants – Chairs: Julie Walsh, Aimee Umidi
New Grant requests for review – detailed grant info attached to agenda
Grant no: 2324-33
Requestor: Maury Health/PE Department
Amount of Grant: $498.00
Request: Two Pickleball Sets
Number of students benefited: 200+
Motion to Approve: Courtney Epps
Second: Christine Redel
Ayes Unanimous
Grant no: 2324-34
Requestor: Maury Health/PE Department
Amount of Grant: $200.00
Request: Three Badminton Nets
Number of students benefited: 200+
Motion to Approve: Courtney Epps
Second: Christine Redel
Ayes Unanimous
Grant no: 2324-35
Requestor: Maury Track and Field Team
Amount of Grant: $1510.49
Request: Hurdles, Power Sled, Crossbars, Starting Blocks, Camping Chairs, Coolers
Number of students benefited: 60-75
Discussion: Fund equipment but not chair and coolers
Motion to Approve $1060: Christine Redel
Second: Aimee Umidi
Ayes Unanimous
Updates on previous grants:
Dryer for Athletic Dept ordered, ETA mid-June
Overview of Grants this school year:
36 grants submitted / 28 approved
$17,241 funded
Summary of Grant Requests between Apr and May meetings
Online Voting:
Grant 2324-26 Culinary Dept
13 Yays – unanimous
Zoom Meeting Monday Apr 22nd
Attendees: Julie M , Julie W, Christine, Sarah, Megan, Ann, Aimee, Samantha, Monica, Rebecca, Brian, Ann Marie, Erika
Grant 2324-27
Requestor: Maury Admin -- Mignonne Bratten
Amount of Grant Requested: $360.00
Amount Approved: $180.00
Request: Wooden Plaques for each Outstanding Senior given by each Maury Department.
Number of students benefited: 12
Motion to Approve modified amount: Brian
Second: Sarah
Ayes Unanimous
Grant 2324-28
Requestor: Maury Athletics Training Dept -- Meredith Moore
Amount of Grant: $63.59
Request: Spin Mop and Bucket to clean the Athletic Training Clinic
Number of Students Benefited: 530 Student Athletes
Motion to Approve: Brian
Second: Sarah
Ayes Unanimous
Grant 2324-29
Requestor: Maury Science Department -- Martina Dunlap
Amount of Grant: $470.38
Request: Lab Materials for Environmental Science and Forensic Science Classes, including magnifying lenses, tape measures, pH paper, Packing tape, Lab Aprons
Number of students benefited: 119 current students, plus future students
Motion to Approve: Sarah
Second: Aimee
Ayes Unanimous
Grant 2324-30
Requestor: Maury Science Department -- Theresa Apker
Amount of Grant: $780
Request: Six Drunk Simulation Goggles and Drunk Busters Totally Wasted Classes
Number of students benefited: 150 currents students, more in future
Motion to Approve: Sarah
Second: Megan
Ayes Unanimous
Additional Comments re goggles:
Request Feedback from Class on impact of goggles on students
Suggest sharing goggles with the Drivers Ed class in the fall since this section of science class is taught in spring
Grant 2324-31
Requestor: Maury Nursing Dept -- Selena Merchant
Amount of Grant: $300
Request: Supplies not supplied by Student Health, including tampons, deodorant, underwear, sweat pants, travel tooth brushes, tooth paste, shampoo and body wash
Number of students benefited: 60 plus
Motion to Approve: Brian
Second: Aimee
Ayes Unanimous
Grant 2324-32
Requestor: Maury Special Education / English 11 -- Valerie Spechio
Request: Snacks and Drinks for students
Amount of Grant Requested: $300
Amount Approved: Up to $200
Number of students benefited: 50-140
Motion to Approve modified amount: Sarah
Second: Brian
One Nay, Remainder Ayes; Motion passes
Committee Report – Fundraising
Week of Giving Totals: $16, 422. 32; $4000 outstanding
Senior Signs Update
Total sold: 75 - Cleared $1436.40
Total left: 23 (6 donated)
Committee Report – Senior Flowers – Chairs: Megan Kiefner/Erika Donohue
Update – Today was last senior night, baseball
Committee Report – Teacher Appreciation – Chair: Monica Lynch
Happy Hour Recap (Apr 19th) –
30 teachers came – had a great time, very grateful
Raffle prizes
Feedback for next time – possibly Cogan’s / pizzas
Teacher Appreciation Week – Donuts and Cookies
Feedback for next time – Coffee would be appreciated
Wawa gives free coffee/free pretzels if you apply 2 weeks in advance
Wegman’s gives $300 gift cards if you apply 3 weeks in advance
Day after graduation treat? June 3rd – graduation
Trays of pastries delivered the morning of June 4th
Sarah will order the pastries, Sarah and Ann will deliver the morning of June 4th, Steven can also help
Welcome New Parents – 7:00 pm - Julie Malcolm, Boosters President
Welcome / Overview of Boosters
Goal is to help teachers/students/teams/clubs what they need
Teacher appreciation
Lots to be done for Maury
Meet once a month, also subcommittees
Networking opportunities with other parents
Executive Board Elections and Committee Appointments – 2024-2025 School Year
Slate of Candidates:
Executive Board
President - Julie Malcolm
Vice President - Christine Redel
Vice President- Megan Kiefner
Treasurer - Sarah Wesley
Secretary - Ann Bockheim
At Large - Courtney Epps
At Large - Katherine Moore
Vote to approve Executive Board Slate of Candidates:
Motion to Approve: Brian Wynne
Second: Elise Chard
Ayes Unanimous
Executive Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs
Grants - Julie Walsh
Courtney Epps
Fundraising - Elisa Chard (Fall Fundraising)
Jennifer Moody (Fruit Sale)
Teacher Christine Redel
Appreciation- Ann Bockheim
Steven Traylor
Senior Flowers - Erika Donohue
Megan Kiefner
Marketing / Rebecca Danchise
Communications Christine Redel
Courtney Challoner
Teacher Catherine LaVoy
Representative - VACANT
Continue to be involved with Boosters Ad Hoc:
Shawn Wilkerson
Melanie Sewell
Bob Dwyer
New term begins at the close of the June meeting
Refer to Bylaws and Policies and Procedures for detailed description of duties and processes
Committee Report – Marketing/Communications – Chairs: Karla Hakansson/Rebecca Danchise/Christine Redel
Spring Newsletter and Lots of Week of Giving E-mails went out
Help Wanted: Need creative volunteers for more graphic design work next year
Items from the Floor / New Business
New Student Info:
Present athletic tryout info
Important to have their physicals and forms at tryouts
Q&A from new Maury parents
Other Business
Looking ahead:
Planning over the summer needed for:
Fall Teacher Appreciation events (Back to School Breakfast, and etc)
Fall Socials & Student Orientations (Football tailgate, Class of 2029 welcome social, Student/Teacher/Parent Trivia Night)
Fall Fundraisers (t-shirt sales, banner made & hung, etc)
New t-shirt design
Finance audit (July)
Brainstorm merging PTA & Boosters
Meet with Ms. Berg to discuss grants and survey (June)
Booster closet clean out
End of Year Potluck Social - Monday, June 10th - 6:00pm - Families welcome. Bring a dish and a drink to celebrate all the good we have done this year - 1011 Manchester Ave.
Important Dates:
July 31-Aug 1 - Freshman Transition
Aug 5 - August Meeting
Aug 12 - Back to School Teacher’s Breakfast
Aug 19 - First Day of School
Thank Yous / Recognitions
Teacher Representatives: Samantha Wegener & Dr. Catherine LaVoy
Members who are not returning/graduating kids: Karla Hakansson, Aimee Umidi, Monica Lynch
Huge thank you to Julie Malcolm!!
Meeting Adjournment
The next Maury Boosters Board Meeting will be Monday July 15th, Trinity Presbyterian,
7:00 pm
Another summer meeting - Monday Aug 5th
End of Year Potluck Social - Monday, June 10th - 6:00pm - Families welcome. Bring a dish and a drink to celebrate all the good we have done this year
Minutes Submitted by Ann Bockheim