Date | time 10/2/2023 7:00 PM 

Location: 1600 Colonial Ave; Trinity Presbyterian


In Attendance:

Julie Malcolm, Brian Wynne, Sarah Wesley, Courtney Epps, Katherine Moore, Julie Walsh,          Aimee Umidi, Karla Hakansson, Megan Kiefner, Samantha Wegener, Ann Bockheim, and        AnnMarie Wynne                

Call to Order and Welcome

·       Meeting called to order by Julie Malcolm

·       Introductions

Approval of Sep 11th, 2023 Minutes

·       Motion to approve: Karla Hakansson

·       Second: Brian Wynne

·       All in favor: Ayes Unanimous

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer: Sarah Wesley

·       Treasury update – Current Balance ~$32,000 after subtracting Cross Country fundraiser

·       If there are multiple fundraisers, it’s difficult to separate out the funds

·       Need to keep track of the seed money and let Sarah know who has it if it’s passed along to the next person.

·       Action item: Sarah will create a process sheet for Boosters to follow

·       Status of Taxes – Completed

o   Tax year is: 10/1 to 9/30

·       CashApp is set up; not moving forward with Venmo

·       Erika Donohue -has received debit card (for Senior Flowers)

Committee Report – Grants – Chairs: Julie Walsh, Aimee Umidi

·      Update on Grants last month (all completed):

o   MHS Garden Club – trays on order

o   MHS Model United Nations Club – membership paid

o   MHS Attendance Department – gift cards delivered

o   Install of Refrigerator/Washer/Dryer – Brian will update on delivery

·      Met with teachers on Sep 21 to assist with grant requests: Girls soccer asked for information

·      Will try to meet with teachers again end of Oct

·      New Grant Applications Oct 2023 Summary (full grant info attached to agenda)

Grant Request Totals for this month: $2646.17:

Grant no: 2324-04

Requestor: Maury High Cheer Team

Amount of Grant:  $1552.28

Request: 30 Competition Bows, 30 Pom Poms, 30 Pairs Competition Shorts

Number of students benefited:  26-46 Team Members

o   Motion to Approve PomPoms: Karla Hakansson

o   Second PomPoms: Katherine Moore

o   Ayes Unanimous

Follow Up Action Items:

o   Confirm if the bows are one time use or can be reused every year

o   Are they a team or a club? If a team, their transportation should be covered. Julie M will ask Tommy about transportation.

o   In our policies we cannot buy uniforms, but possibly can work on other funding needs.

o   Aimee Umidi to follow up, will send an e-mail to Boosters with follow up info so we can vote by e-mail rather than waiting til next meeting.

Grant no: 2324-05

Requestor: Maury GED Program

Amount of Grant:  $229.90

Request: 10 Vouchers (4 Subject) for students to take the GED Ready Practice Test

Number of students benefited:  10

o   Motion to approve: Brian Wynne

o   Second: Karla Hakansson

o   Ayes Unanimous

Grant no: 2324-06

Requestor: Maury CEIS Program

Amount of Grant:  $368.99

Request: Mini two-door fridge, vacuum cleaner for CEIS program use (updated to remove the microwave, not allowed by admin)

Number of students benefited:  25-100

o   Motion to approve: Megan Kiefner

o   Second: Karla Hakansson

o   Ayes Unanimous

Grant no: 2324-07

Requestor: Maury Math Department

Amount of Grant:  $495.00

Request: IXL access for 150 students

Number of students benefited:  150

o   Follow Up Action Items:

o   Julie Walsh to follow up on some details and will send via e-mail, then vote via e-mail

Committee Report – Fundraising

·      Formed Fundraising Committee for ideas and planning for the school year.

·      T-shirt sales:

o   Online: 13

o   Open House: 54

o   New student orientation: 72

o   Volleyball: 15

o   Football: 3

o   Number remaining: 43

§  Plan to sell at basketball

o   If we sell all t-shirts we will make $1500

o   Jacqui Watts would like to design sweatshirts for Boosters

·      Moe’s fundraiser 9/21: Sold 21 dinners, $105 cut to Boosters

·      Report from Katherine Moore on Ghent Business Association

o   Most members are familiar with auction/gift card donations; most not offering cash

o   Need a donation letter / tax deduction letter

o   Also questions about levels of giving and what they get for different levels of donations

·      Sponsor Banner – Brian

o   Follow up with Tommy regarding hanging the banner

·      Fruit Sale Fundraiser – Info from Jennifer Moody:

    • The fruit orders will be due by November 27 

    • The fruit will be delivered the week of December 11.  

    • We will have an order page on the Peejay's website which means we don't lose any money on credit card fees on our website.  

    • Shipping is $150 usually but will be less if we have a higher-than-normal amount of orders.  

    • On average we make around $1200 in profit with $800 going to the 4 organizations that volunteer and we have $400+ leftover.  

    • Fruit sale has been going on since the 1970's.  They used to advertise in the newspaper and send out flyers, but in the past couple of years we haven't been sending the flyers anymore.  Need to find other ways to get the word out.  We have quite a few customers who are very old and graduated from Maury in the 50's-60's and later years, many that have kids that graduated, and they also used to serve on the boosters or even used to be in charge of the fruit sale, and over the years, including last year, we got a few new customers from advertising on Facebook and email.  

    • There's also information on the bottom of the price sheet regarding the holiday direct ship items and their prices

    • Group Discussion:

      • Need to increase marketing / new ideas for marketing

      • Set a financial goal

      • Need to have a process for selecting the organizations who work the fruit sale

        • Application on website to volunteer

        • Clubs and organizations can distribute flyers to promote the fruit sale

        • Last spring teacher survey - about 10 clubs/organizations that said they would volunteer for things to earn money

        • Fruit not picked up by a certain time will be donated to the school to give to teachers, can add a disclaimer on the order form

        • “Buy and box, donate a box” -> donate to school to give away to those in need

      • Motion to move forward with fruit sale for Fall 2023: Sarah Wesley

      • Ayes unanimous

      • Committee to Market Fruit Sale:

        • Courtney Epps

          • Inquire how to donate if you purchase for donation

        • Brian

        • Anne Marie

        • Julie Walsh

        • Sarah (as treasurer)

 Committee Report – Marketing/Communications – Chairs: Karla Hakansson/Rebecca Danchise/Christine Redel

·      Booster branding/Booster logo update

·      Next Maury Booster Association Newsletter – Homecoming Edition (Oct 20/21)

·      Christine Redel will do social media posts from now on

  Committee Report – Teacher/Student Liaison/School Beautification – Juliemarie Vanderburg/Jenn Burke

·      Karla sent the Student Application for Boosters Board to the Teacher Sponsors of each Class; Application is live on Boosters Website

o   No e-mails received back, Karla to follow up with the Class Sponsors

  Committee Report – Teacher Appreciation – Chairs: Monica Lynch/Steven Traylor

·      Halloween Treats

·      Teacher bonding event – sponsored by Boosters; Ms. Wegener following up

o   Pixels – connection through a Maury teacher

o   Friday after school might be a good time

o   Do a google survey to see what teachers might enjoy

Committee Report – Senior Flowers – Chairs: Megan Kiefner/Erika Donohue

·      Update on fall flowers orders: So far all fall sports have submitted flowers

o   Erika: Take picture of receipt and send to Sarah

Items from the Floor

·      Assist with fundraising committee – Ann Bockheim, Katherine Moore

Other Business

·       Bylaws/Policies and Procedures Vote:

o   Bylaws:

§  Motion to approve: Karla Hakansson

§  Second: Courtney Epps

§  Ayes Unanimous

o   Policies and Procedures:

§  Section 5 – take out the examples of fruit sale and auction (edit completed during meeting by Karla)

§  Ayes for approval Unanimous

Meeting Adjournment

·       Meeting adjourned


The next Maury Boosters Board Meeting will be Monday Nov 6th, 2023

Location/Time: Trinity Presbyterian Church, 1600 Colonial Ave at 7:00 pm


Minutes Submitted by Ann Bockheim