Join us for our annual Maury Boosters Association Week of Giving fundraising campaign. Our goal is raise $50,000 to help fund expenses for the 2024-2025 school year! DONATE now to make a difference.
New Industrial Washer and Dryer for the Maury Athletics Department
The washer and dryer broke last year, and the Maury teams had limited resources to clean athletic uniforms. A grant from the Boosters provided new means to clean!
Model UN Club Registration Fee for Competition
Your donations through the Boosters helped this team attend multiple Model UN competitions this fall.
Senior Night Flowers
The Maury Boosters loves to support all our hard-working athletes! One way to show support is to present our Seniors with a bouquet of flowers on Maury Senior Nights. Go Commodores!
Snacks for Hungry Students
Our Maury teacher’s #1 request is snacks, snacks, snacks! Teachers often buy snacks weekly for their hungry students, and we like to surprise them with boxes of snacks to use so they don’t have to spend their own money feeding our kids!
Many Teacher Appreciation Events Like This!
The Boosters show their appreciation for our awesome teachers with your donations by giving all staff lunches, treats at holidays, wish list items, and many more teacher appreciation events. Join us for the next one!
Meeting Student Needs
This school year the Boosters has purchased attendance incentives, test vouchers for the GED program, grocery store gift cards for Maury families experiencing homelessness, and many other student centered needs.
New Pom Poms for Maury Cheerleaders
The Boosters provided new pom poms for our award winning cheer squad this fall!
New Power Tools for the Maury Fine Arts Dept.
Our Sculpture and Art classes did not have any power tools and have been using a hand crank drill for years! Your donations through the Boosters helped provide these students and teachers a new power drill!
New Chicken Feeder for the Maury Garden Club
The Boosters purchased a new and improved chicken feeder for Mr. George and the Maury Garden Club. Now the chickens can self-feed all weekend and do not need a member to tend the chickens each day!
New Chromebook Chargers
Most classrooms do not have enough Chromebook Chargers for every student to use. The Boosters has purchased over 200 chargers for teachers this school year!